Saturday, March 21, 2020

National innovation system in Germany last 20 years

Introduction The national innovation system denotes the network of relations involving different players in discovering new technology. It involves the government, the private sector and international institutions. (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1997, pp 10). Below is a discussion of the Germans national innovation systemAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on National innovation system in Germany last 20 years specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The national innovation system The national innovation system in German has over the last years paid much attention in the accumulation of knowledge. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (1997, pp 9) the flow of information and highly trained individual is a dominant characteristic of the economy. This is in response to the increasing growth in technology. As a result, the government gives support by training personnel a nd allocates funds to the research system. The government provides funding for the national innovation system. Through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) programs such as conferences, academic tour and scientific exhibitions receive financial support. Research with foreign institutions can also receive support irrespective of weather it is an individual research or partnership. Consequently, researcher from other parts of the globe find themselves taking longer hence do an extensive research. On the other hand, it takes advantage of using the partnership in other parts of the globe to extent research associations. Expenses for researchers in other parts of the globe are catered for too. Mobility of labor in the national innovation system in German is between the research institutes and institutions of higher learning. A number of graduates are absorbed by research institutes. However researchers based in the institutions of higher seldom move out of the universities. A few re searchers move to universities mainly to do further research on specific subjects or to get insights on specific areas of research. This mobility causes a positive impact on the economy. This is as a result of the information the researcher uses when they move from private to public enterprises (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1997, pp18). The commercialization of research institutes is highly discouraged. The national innovation system is expected to be self sustaining while maintaining public interest of industrialization (German Research Foundation, 2001, pp. 1). However economic motives are only integrated if their purpose is to bring sustainability. For instance, if innovation creates more income while at the same time it meets the demand of supplying a scarce utility. The national innovation system is committed to support basic research. Young scientist can get grants from the DFG as individuals and as groups. However they must be eligible and show capa bility (Hotopp, 2005, pp12).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mobility of labor in the national innovation system in German is between the research institutes and institutions of higher learning. A number of graduates are absorbed by research institutes. However researchers based in the institutions of higher seldom move out of the universities. A few researchers move to universities mainly to do further research on specific subjects or to get insights on specific areas of research. This mobility causes a positive impact on the economy. This is as a result of the information the researcher uses when they move from private to public enterprises (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1997, pp18). Conclusion Research in private and public enterprises has led to importation of competence from private to public sector. Therefore there is increased awareness of ne w technology. Conclusively, the management of the national innovation system in German can be considered successful. Reference List German Research Foundation., 2001. Research findings. Web. Hotopp, T., 2005. Basic research funding in Germany. Tokyo: DFG. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development., 1997. National innovation System. Retrieved from This essay on National innovation system in Germany last 20 years was written and submitted by user Rylie A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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