Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Crim Reaction Paper Essays

Crim Reaction Paper Essays Crim Reaction Paper Essay Crim Reaction Paper Essay Reaction paper: Due Wed 14 Nov. 20% Students will be required to submit a 2-3 page (double-spaced) reaction paper to a secondary source criminological article taken from an academic journal. Steps to the paper: 1. Find an academic peer-reviewed journal article that pertains to a subject within criminology that interests you. This could be: developments in policing, courts, corrections, young offenders, Aboriginals, minorities etc. Note that you must find article with an empirical topic, and not just a conceptual review/theoretical piece. 2. Read the paper carefully. . Identify the general theoretical orientation of the author (whether or not it is explicitly stated by the author). Is this author deploying an individualistic or larger structural perspective? Are they more consensual or conflictual in their thinking? 4. How explicit is the author in identifying their theoretical position? 5. Does the author make any policy recommendations, and how do these recommendations relates to th eir theoretical position? 6. Does the author present sufficient evidence in their paper to justify their theoretical position? 7. Based on the analysis in the paper, do you think that the authors theoretical position is the best one for looking at the empirical topic of interest? What kinds of data might they need to make their theoretical position stronger (i. e. , to back up their theoretical point)? 8. Do you think that there is another theoretical tradition that more adequately addresses the empirical topic of interest? If you are going to do research in this area, what kinds of questions would you ask, what kinds of data would you look for, and what kinds of theory would inform your research?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Burkean Parlor Definition and Examples

Burkean Parlor Definition and Examples The Burkean parlor is a   metaphor  introduced by philosopher and rhetorician Kenneth Burke (1897-1993) for the unending conversation that is going on at the point in history when we are born (see below). Many writing centers employ the metaphor of the Burkean parlor to characterize collaborative efforts to help students not only improve their writing and but also view their work in terms of a larger conversation. In an influential article in The Writing Center Journal (1991), Andrea Lunsford argued that writing centers modeled on the Burkean parlor pose a threat as well as a challenge to the status quo in higher education, and she encouraged writing center directors to embrace that challenge. The Burkean Parlor is also the name of a discussion section in the print journal Rhetoric Review. Burkes Metaphor for the Unending Conversation Imagine that you enter a parlor. You come late. When you arrive, others have long preceded you, and they are engaged in a heated discussion, a discussion too heated for them to pause and tell you exactly what it is about. In fact, the discussion had already begun long before any of them got there so that no one present is qualified to retrace for you all the steps that had gone before. You listen for a while until you decide that you have caught the tenor of the argument; then you put in your oar. Someone answers; you answer him; another comes to your defense; another aligns himself against you, to either the embarrassment or gratification of your opponent, depending upon the quality of your allys assistance. However, the discussion is interminable. The hour grows late, you must depart. And you do depart, with the discussion still vigorously in progress.  (Kenneth Burke, The Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action 3rd ed. 1941. Univ. of California Press, 1973) Peter Elbows Yogurt Model for a Reimagined Composition Course A course would no longer be a voyage where everyone starts out on a ship together and arrives at port at the same time; not a voyage where everyone starts the first day with no sea legs and everyone is trying simultaneously to become acculturated to the waves. It would be more like the Burkean parloror a writing center or studiowhere people come together in groups and work together. Some have already been there a long time working and talking together when new ones arrive. New ones learn from playing the game with the more experienced players. Some leave before others. . . .A competence-based, yogurt structure creates more incentive for students to invest themselves and provide their own steam for learninglearning from their own efforts and from feedback from teachers and peers. For the sooner they learn, the sooner they are to get credit and leave. . . .Given this structure, I suspect that a significant fraction of skilled students will, in fact, stay for longer than they have to wh en they see they are learning things that will help them with other coursesand see that they enjoy it. It will often be their smallest and most human class, the only one with a sense of community like a Burkean parlor.   (Peter Elbow, Everyone Can Write: Essays Toward a Hopeful Theory of Writing and Teaching. Oxford Univ. Press, 2000) Kairos and the Rhetorical Place [W]ithin a rhetorical place, kairos is not simply a matter of rhetorical perception or willing agency: it cannot be seen apart from the physical dimensions of the place providing for it. In addition, a rhetorical place is not just a matter of location or address: it must contain some kairotic narrative in media res, from which discourse or rhetorical action can emerge. Understood as such, the rhetorical place represents a place-bound temporal room which might precede our entering, might continue past our exiting, into which we might even stumble unaware: imagine a true Burkean parlorphysicallyand you will have imagined one example of a rhetorical place as I have tried to construct it.​  (Jerry Blitefield, Kairos and the Rhetorical Place. Professing Rhetoric: Selected Papers From the 2000 Rhetoric Society of America Conference, ed. by Frederick J. Antczak, Cinda Coggins, and Geoffrey D. Klinger. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002) The Faculty Job Interview as the Burkean Parlor As the candidate, you want to imagine the interview as a Burkean parlor. In other words, you want to approach the interview as a conversation in which you and the interviewers create a collaborative understanding of the professional relationship that might result from the interview. You want to walk in prepared to have a smart conversation, not prepared to give a thesis defense.​  (Dawn Marie Formo and Cheryl Reed, Job Search in Academe: Strategic Rhetorics for Faculty Job Candidates. Stylus, 1999)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Criminal Justice - Essay Example As a result, the needs of the female prisoners are often disregarded thus negatively affecting their mental and physical health in the process. It has also been observed that the failure to meet the needs of the female prisoners deprives them of their right to basic dignity and leads to the violation of their fundamental human rights (Law and Whitehorn, 2012). Some of the key issues commonly faced by female prisoners include custodial sexual misconduct; caring for their children; lack of availability of adequate healthcare facilities suited for their needs; lack of accessible services; vulnerability to abuse; etc among others. The needs and concerns of female prisoners are starkly different as compared to their male counterparts, a fact which has been largely ignored so far. Unlike men, the female prisoners are solely responsible for caring for their young children. In such a situation, isolation due to confinement inevitably takes a toll on their mental health. Furthermore they are relatively more vulnerable to abuse and neglect in prison due to the differences in the sexual and reproductive health as compared to males. Issues such as these are hence likely to aggravate the mental and health problems faced by them (UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 2008). Women are also found to be highly vulnerable to prison abuse (Clear, Reisig, and Cole, 2012). Their mental health in particular is far more likely to deteriorate while in confinement due to factors such as overcrowding, lack of proper assessment procedures, discomfort on account of being supervised by male staff, etc (McElreath, Keena, Elter and Stuart, 2011; Stohr, Hemmens, and Walsh, 2008). Furthermore it has also been observed by various researchers that women are more prone to attempt suicide while in confinement due to mental stress and trauma, and lack of availability of appropriate healthcare facilities to address their specific healthcare needs (Petersilia and Reitz, 2012). Critical evaluation: There has been a significant rise in the number of female prisoners in the United States during the past two decades. This sudden increase of female offenders can largely be contributed to stricter punishment and longer incarceration for drug offenders, as a part of the war on drugs campaign. Thus, the policies introduced by the administration to eliminate and / or reduce the disparities in sentencing, ultimately led to the rise of female inmates behind bars (Stange, Oyster, and Sloan, 2011; Miller, 2009). According to the American Civil Liberties Union, women comprise of the fastest growing segment of the incarcerated population, increasing at nearly double the rate of men, in the United States (ACLU, 2007). There is substantial evidence indicating the substantial over-representation of women of color in the American prisons as well as the criminal justice system, with Blacks and Hispanics comprising of the largest female population behind bars (Law and Whitehorn, 2012; Oberman and Meyer, 20 08). Some of the key reasons behind the increased incarceration rates of females belonging to the minority population include poverty, and unemployment which significantly hampers their ability to provide and care for their families. Their demographic and socio-economic background makes them highly prone to commit economically driven crimes such as property crimes, prostitution and at times drug

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compensation and Benefits Peer Discussion Personal Statement

Compensation and Benefits Peer Discussion - Personal Statement Example The first point is when I read about the â€Å"NAFTA – the North American Free Trade Agreement† (p. 308). I like this system of free trade and in my point of views these kinds of trades system allows multiple countries to execute business with each other in more organized manner. The second point that I found interesting was that in Mexico there is implemented a Federal Labor Law that clearly differentiates between a worker and an employer. I like the idea that both types of labor is identified and treated individually. This thought of differentiation can only be productive for any company if it is managed positively. Otherwise, the same thought can become destructive for any organization. When I compare these two concepts with other countries then I found that Brazil also has a kind of law for its employers and that is â€Å"Consolidation of Labor Laws† (p. 314) but there is no differentiation between an employer and a worker. It treats all of the workers and employees equally. Since, what I think it shouldn’t be like that. There should be a line between the workers and employees of an organization. If we do so then our employees would feel honor and work with more hard work while on the other hand our workers would try to become an employee as well and pitch in their efforts to get a batch of an employee. Now if I apply these concepts in my organization, then I would definitely try to introduce this free trade system between other countries and my country. This will not only ensure good relationship between multiple nations but also we get a good market share from other countries as well. In the end it will be good for the overall growth of my company. Besides that I would surely introduce the second concept as well in my organization but in a positive way. Like a worker is a person who has recently joined our organization while an employee is a person who has been working with us since last two years. An

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Research and the Sciences Essay Example for Free

Research and the Sciences Essay There has long been an ongoing argument: Is social science scientific? Which approach is better in conducting natural sciences and social sciences? It is believed that hypothetico-deductive approach may be applicable to the natural sciences while it does not relate well to the social sciences. By analyzing research from different levels, this essay presents a judgment that social sciences are sciences. First of all, the concept of research and science are given. Secondly, by accepting that social sciences are different from natural sciences, the features that identify social sciences from natural sciences are summarized. There are many choices of approaches to conduct research. In the level of philosophy, research approaches could go to inductive approach and deductive approach. Qualitative research and quantitative research distinguish each other methodologically. In this essay, the different approaches are compared and contrasted after a concise interpretation of these concepts. And finally, the question better approach to research in natural sciences and social sciences is considered. Research is defined by Join and Keith as seeking through methodical process to add ones knowledge and, hopefully to others by the discovery of nontrivial and insight (Join and Keith, 1996). Williams defined science as the ensemble of knowledge and practices that best reflect and operationalize a critical attitude to the discovery of the world at that moment in time (Williams, 2000 p.26). Basically, sciences can be divided into social sciences and natural sciences. Social sciences study human being and their behavior, while natural sciences study physical world. The presupposition that natural science is the benchmark of research, in some degree, accounts for why most people associate the word research with activities that are substantially removed from daily life and which usually take place in a laboratory. And accordingly arises the doubt whether social science is science. A good deal of overlap and unavoidable duplication will be encountered if any attempt is made to review social sciences and natural sciences  systematically (McErlean, 2000). Yet there are still some typical features in which social sciences are different from nature sciences. Historically and perhaps intuitively, the natural and the social sciences have been identified by distinct subject matters: Natural science is a branch of science which deals with the physical world (Pearsall, 1999 P.950), while social science is the scientific study of human society and social relationships (Pearsall, 1999 p.1362). Invariability of observations is different in two kinds of sciences. The difference lies probably in the number of relevant factors that must be taken into account for explaining or predicting events in the real world(McErlean, 2000). It is agreed that verification is not easy to come by in the social sciences, while it is the chief business in the natural sciences. Measurability of phenomena, whereas physics is clearly ahead of all other disciplines. Natural sciences have got constancy of numerical relationship which social sciences has not got. The social sciences deal so close to a mans own everyday experience that they do not accord the respect as natural sciences. The field of natural sciences needs higher standards of admission and requirements than the social sciences. On this score, the natural sciences are better than the social sciences (McErlean, 2000). Since social sciences differ from natural sciences in many ways, should different approaches be chosen when conducing social science research and natural sciences? This is another baffling question. Now we will turn to the discussion of deduction and induction. Philosophically the approaches are focused on the consideration of induction and deduction, as well as the relationship between approaches and sciences. Deduction entails the development of a conceptual and theoretical structure prior to its testing through empirical research methods. (Carson et al, 2001 p.11). Induction is the action or process of inducing something (Pearsall, 1999). It is learning by reflecting upon particular past experiences and through the formulation of abstract concepts, theories and generalizations that explain past and predict future experience (Gill and Johnson, 2002). Induction and deduction approaches are different in many aspects. They are best used in different stages of Learning Cycle. When learning takes place, the difference between deductive and inductive approach is that one starts  with theory which tested through observation while the other starts with observation and tries to create theory (Gill and Johnson, 2002). Localization of Induction differs from that of deduction (Carson et al, 2001 P12). Induction might prevent the researcher benefiting from existing theory, while deduction might prevent the development of new and useful theory. In contrast to the deductive tradition, theory is the outcome of induction (Carson et al, 2001 P12). The time needed for induction is often prolonged than deduction B Deductive research is normally possible to predict accurately the time schedules, it is quicker to complete, though the time must be devoted to set up the study prior to data collection and analysis. Deduction and induction carry unequal risk. The deductive approach can be a lower-risk strategy, albeit there are risks like the non-return of questionnaires. With induction it is quite possible that no useful data patterns and theory will not emerge. The effect of deduction or induction is relevant to the ability of researcher. The way one thinks about the development of knowledge affects, unwittingly, the way he goes about doing research (Saunders et al, 2000). So it is more appropriate to adopt the inductive approach if the researcher is particularly interested in understanding why something is happening rather than describe what is happening, Inductive designs begin with specific observations and build toward general patterns. This is different to the hypothetical-deductive approach of experimental designs that require the specification of main variables and the statement of specific research hypotheses before data collection begins (Pattern, 1987). Saunders et al (2000) has shown the main differences between deductive and inductive approaches as can be seen in diagram 1. The blending of Induction and Deduction are preferable in conducting a research. In deductive argument, conclusion follows logically from the premises, while inductive argument, in which the premises support the conclusion but do not guarantee it (Rosenberg, 2000). It seems that deductive is more impressive than inductive. Not only because it is more highly structured and more appropriate for people who are inexperienced in research matters but also because it is the basis of much knowledge that  they do have of the subject (Walley, 2002), But the two approaches are not mutually exclusive. They are better at doing different things. So the balance of both approaches in the same research project is preferable. Not only is it perfectly possible to combine approaches with the same piece of research, but also in human beings experience it is often advantageous to do so (Saunders et al, 2000). For example: Sadie decided to conduct a research project on violence at work and its effects on the stress levels of staff. She considered the different ways she would approach the work were she to adopt, the deductive approach and the inductive approach. If she decided to adopt a deductive approach, She should standardize the stress responses of the staff. On the other hand, if she decided to adopt an inductive approach she may have decided to interview some staffs who had been subjected to violence at work. She may have been interested in their feelings about the events that they had experienced, how they coped with the problems they experienced and their views about the possible causes of the violence (Saunders et al, 2000). In order to gain more comprehensive results, it is better to combine both approaches. Diagram 1 Emphasizes of Deduction and Induction Deduction emphasizesInduction emphasizes Scientific principlesGaining an understanding of the meanings humans attach to events From theory to dataFrom observation to theory The collection of quantitative dataThe collection of qualitative data The application of controls to ensure validity of dataResearcher is part of the research process Ensure clarity of definitionLess need generalize Highly structured approachMore flexible structure to permit changes of research emphasis Researcher independence of what is being researchedDependent researcher Select samples of sufficient size Saunders et al (2000 p.91) Researcher may use a variety of methodology to conduct research. It is said that the concept of induction often is applied to qualitative research (Strauss and Corbin, 1998 p.136) while deduction is applied to quantitative research. Qualitative research is so called because its emphasis lies in producing data which is rich in insight, understanding, explanation and depth of information, but which cannot be justified statistically (Crouch, 1985). Qualitative research usually produces descriptions, explanations and reasons (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). It seeks to answer how and why type questions (Walley, 1995). The strengths of qualitative research derive from its inductive approach, its focus on specific situations or people, and its emphasis on words rather than numbers (Maxwell, 1996). It may involve statistics but it is not based on statistical significance. It is characterized by the use of group discussions, personal interviews, projective techniques and non-probability sampling (Walley, 1995) .The usefulness of qualitative research depends very much on the skills of the researcher (Gill and Johnson, 2002). Qualitative methods are particularly oriented toward exploration, discovery, and inductive logic. Walley (2002) cited Proctor (1997) as Quantitative research that primarily research concerned with eliciting information which has statistical significance. Its focus is on quantification of phenomena sampling and large scales postal questionnaires. The quantitative data identify areas of focus whist the qualitative data give substance to those areas of focus. Whereas qualitative data can put flesh on the bones of quantitative results, brining the results to life through in-depth case elaborations (Patton, 1987). The patterns displayed in quantitative research can be enriched with the addition of qualitative information (Gill and Johnson, 2002). The  qualitative should direct the quantitative feedback into the qualitative in a circular (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). Thus, recent developments in the evaluation profession have led to multiple methods including combinations of qualitative and quantitative data. Some evaluation questions are determined deductively while others are left sufficiently open to permit inductive analyses based on direct observations. Indeed, there is often a flow from inductive approaches to find out what the important questions and variables are, to deductive hypotheses-testing aimed at confirming exploratory findings, then back again to inductive analysis to look for rival hypotheses and unanticipated or unmeasured factors (Patton, 1987). Sayre believed that: qualitative methods are chosed because of its emphasis on progresses and meanings while quantitative methods are utilized because they substantiate. Actually both methodologies are combined to provide a comprehensive approach to problem solving (Sayre, 2001). The relation between qualitative research and quantitative research are clearly showed below in the diagram 2. Diagram 2 qualitative research and quantitative research Qualitative researchQuantitative research Type of questions ProbingNon-probing Sample sizeSmallLarge Information per respondentMuchVaries AdministrationRequires interviewer with special skillsFewer special skills required Type of analysisSubjective, interpretativeStatistical Hardware requiredTape recorders, projection devices, discussion guides replicationDifficultEasy Researcher training necessaryPsychology, sociology, social psychology, consumer behaviour, marketing, marketing research Statistics, decision models. decision-support systems, computer programming, marketing, marketing research Type of researchexploratoryDescriptive or causal Proctor (2000) In conclusion, the differences between social sciences and natural sciences have been discussed, and the approaches and methods used in conducting both sciences have been compared and contrasted. Social sciences and natural sciences are fundamentally different in many ways, yet social sciences are, beyond all doubt, scientific too. From the view of philosophy, there are inductive research and deductive research. The deductive approach is probably more impressive. Methodologically quantitative research differs from qualitative research. Each approach has its unique advantages and disadvantages. It would be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one research approach is better than another. Actually they are better in different situations, depending on where the research emphasis lies. It is encouraged to think in a more flexible way about the research approaches and methods adopted. Yet the best policy in conducting research is to blend approaches. So, it is clear that social sciences are sciences likewise as natural sciences. Adopted appropriately, the methodological approach of natural science can be used to study the social world (Williams, 2000). One approach cannot therefore be considered to be better than another in conducting  research in both natural sciences and social sciences. So it is high time to stop arguing about whether social sciences are science or not. Alternatively, to consider which approach is preferable or how to blend them together is what deserves thinking when a research is conducted. Reference Bancroft, G and Osullivan, G.(1993)Quantitative Methods For Accounting and Business Studies .3rded.Berkshire:McGRAW-HILL Book Company Europe. Carson, D.; Gilmore, A.; Perry, C.; Gronhang, K(2001)Qualitative Marketing Research. London: Sage publications. Gill, J. and Johnson, P.(2002)Research methods for managers .3rd.ed.London:Sage Publications Ltd Greenfield, T.(2002).Research Methods For Postgraduates. 2nded. London: Arnold. Sharp, J. A. and Howard, K (1996). The Management of a Student Research Project 2nd.ed Aldershot:Gower Publishing Limited. Maxwell, J.A. (1996)Qualitative Research Design-an interactive approach. London: Sage Publications Mcerlean, J.(2000).Philosophy of Science-From Foundations to Contemporary Issues. London: Routledge. Papineau, D.eds.(1996).The Philosophy of Science Oxford: Oxford University Press. Patton, M .Q (1987). How To Use Qualitative Methods In Evaluation. London: Sage Publications Pearsall, J. eds.(1999).Oxford dictionary. Oxford :Oxford university press. Proctor, T. (2000)Essentials of Marketing Research.2nd.ed.London:Financial Times prentice Hall Robson, S. and Foster, A. (1989) Qualitative Research in Action London: Great Britain. Rosenberg, A.(2000).Philosophy of Science:Acontemporary Introduction.London:Routledge. Saunders, M; Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2000). Research Methods for Business Students. 2nd.ed Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Sayre, S. (2001) Qualitative methods for Marketplace Research. London: Sage publications. Strauss, A and Corbin, J. (1998) Basics of Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications, Inc. Walley, K. (1995) Qualitative Research-Discussion Paper. Newport: Harper Adams Agricultural College. Walley, K. (2002) Research Methods For The Agrifood Industry. Newport: Harper Adams University College. Williams, M. (2000).Science and social science-An introduction. London: Routledge.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Prime Minister Of Great Britain :: essays research papers fc

The Prime Minister of Great Britain There are a lot of political issues in Great Britain today. United Kingdom is a large, industrialized democratic society and as such it has to have politics and therefore political issues. One of those issues how should executive branch work and whether the Prime Minister has too much power. Right now in Great Britain there is a great debate on this issue and I am going to examine it in detail. The facts I have used here are from different writings on British politics which are all listed in my bibliography, but the opinions are my own and so are the arguments that I used to support my views. First let me explain the process through which a person becomes a Prime Minister. The PM is selected by the sovereign. He (or she) chooses a man who can command the support of majority of the members of the House of Commons. Such a man is normally the leader of the largest party in the House. Where two are rivals in a three party contest such as those which occurred in the 1920s he is usually selected from the party which wins the greatest number of seats. The Prime Minister is assumed to be the choice of his party and nowadays, so far as he can be ascertained, participation of a monarch is a pure formality. Anyone suggested for this highest political office obviously has to be a very smart and willing individual, in fact it has been suggested that he be an "uncommon man of common opinions"(Douglas V. Verney). Not all Prime Ministers fitted this bill exactly, but every on of them had to pass one important test: day-to-day scrutiny of their motives and behavior by fellow members of Parliament before they were ultimately elected to the leadership of their party. Unlike Presidents of the United States all Prime Ministers have served a long apprenticeship in the legislature and have been ministers in previous Cabinets. Many Presidents of our country have been elected and on many occasions they have never even met some of their future co-workers, such as case of Kissinger and Nixon who have never even met prior to Nixon's appointment. Let's now examine the statutory duties and responsibilities of the Prime Minister. Unlike the United States where the President's duties are specifically written out in the Constitution, the powers of the Prime Minister are almost nowhere spelled out in a statute. Unlike his fellow ministers he does not receive the seals of office: he merely kisses the hands of the monarch like an ambassador.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Miss Representation

Hattie Godine English 1302 Essay 3 Today’s statistics shows women and young girls in the media areas of television, has more attention placed upon them, and it’s not always in a positive way. In the documentary film Miss Representation the portrayal changes the way the public and some men would view women. These magnitude effects of the role of women have had for many years. Some organizations and commercial ads display women and girls with the idea that their beauty lies in beauty products and tanning machines along with cosmetic products.Researchers have proven concerns that many support the idea of the detrimental harm that this attention brings to our society. Are women of today’s generation being exploited as nothing more than sex objects? Records show that the United States is still very below in average for women holding how power governmental positions. Miss Representation movie is no longer just a movie film, but has become a complete campaign to instill the empowerment for women and young girls. The campaign will add challenges to people who have made attempts on transforming our culture for the advancement of all kind.All through the campaign, you will become educated in one form are another. From Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin running for the first Women president of the United States it shows that our society still has a long way to go. We have not yet made it to the point of women having equal rights as men do. There is more to the story than Miss. Representation presents, because there are 65% of women that suffer from many self-afflicting diseases, Things such as simply not being the right shape, color of skin and height creates a hold different prospective on the matter.Example like eating disorder behavior has double against young women in the past century. (Health Day News reports) Almost two-thirds (65lpercent) of young American women report disordered eating behaviors, and 10 percent report symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. ) Copyright 2013 ABC News Internet Ventures Yahoo – ABC News Network. Television too has taken on a new twist to young girls as they view ifferent shows like American Next Top Model and some Reality shows they feel this is the direction that our lives should be based upon and this is the way a girl are women should like thru a television lens. Viewing too much television puts our young children at sufficient harm’s way. Stat’s show viewing TV 10 hours each day is much too dangerous mentally. It also becomes very addictive for our young people. When Sue Katz states that I just question how crucial the dream of â€Å"power and influence† is to most women today. ` As she stated it’s the movie is getting its air time but what really is the message that is being sent out to the public.As Ms. Newsome interviewed several governments official that are females have open views about women in pol itics and what their limitation have been so far in the chain of command. Women should be of equal concerns with issues, such as pay equality as well. We can work the same average hours as a man can expect the same pay along with some times long hours to get the job done. It’s a choice that some females make for themselves. Education does play a sufficient role in what type of career are profession you want to take and pay received with that career. Often time’s women are looked over because of sexuality.The pay wage gap is very real the economy has been a slow process in recovery and women that are not fortunate enough to be homemakers and take care of school age children are subjected to taking only minimum wage jobs and earning a lot less money than men. Abortion laws is another tip of ice bird that can been a challenging topic of pro anti-abortion rights for women. Some people who willingly support the federal ban on laws about abortion issues believes that the gov ernment has taken on the responsibility of perhaps protecting the unborn fetus, and that is not the Right of the government officials.Women should be able to make the decision of if they choice to abort an unborn child. Unless there is a life threating situation that endangers the child or the mother the decision should be left in the hands of the parents. Adapting the laws in the United States Constitution clearly leaning toward the support Overturned the Constitution Roe V. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts & Justice Samuel Alito made it clear that the pro-Rue is under scrutiny interpretation of the standard of Casey, the was believed to be about anti-abortion movement continues to lose its balance ground level in the areas of politics and court.Women Rights from the abolition movement of the 1800s is of many women of all walks of life beginning with SNCC and SCLS but the more traditional groups are NAACP women were treated like second class citizens. Some of these women believed t he women liberations groups were radical. There were three key events that took place to form new movements for women equal rights in the 60’s. The American Women, released in 1963 recognized widespread Discrimination against women in all walks of life.The Civil Rights movement and publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which many women would questions their own lives and status in society and concluding there was something wrong. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based not only on race but also on sex. Some of the Senators in Congress still jokingly view its addition as a means to dishonor the total act and guarantee its defeats against discrimination. In the year of 1966 Equal Opportunity Commission did not enforce laws as it applied to sex discrimination, and female activist was immediately formed the National Organization for Women.NOW was molded very closely after the NAACP. They worked very hard within the systems to stop discr imination. Women can be portrayed better in the lime light of the media by giving us the same privileges that are given to males. That includes the powerful position in politics and leadership in government. Some of the media coverage that views on television shows, video dancing, and film producing sexist toward women and their bodies makes it difficult for respect to be valuable.Only seeing the sexy side of a woman not the knowledge she may hold within her personality. Diverse advisement coverage of women is known worldwide with a lot of information. Society along is mostly shaped with influence buy what we look like as women not what we think. And that can be taken as direct criticisms. Our values are and should be measured in ways better used to see, think and feel. Women are constantly portrayed in sexually ways and we continue to be seen as sex object, and this is a violation of our human rights.Research shows targeting areas of imagines in a more positive effect on our selves . Effecting Self-esteem issues for women sometimes of not feeling as beautiful and not to compare themselves with other females who look ideally thin and more beautiful. Cited sources as follows: (Cilvilbiliberty about. com/od/abortion/a/abortion2012. htm) (http://www. typepad. com/services/trackback/6a00d8341c7a9753ef0168ea9b7cdb970c) (Sabato) (Sabato)sexucalityhttp://www. policymic. com/articles/4439/are-women-in-the-media-only-

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Employment and Delegation Essay

In the scenario given there were five behaviors of delegation used. They were: clarifying the assignment, specifying the employee’s range of discretion, allow the employees to participate, inform others that delegation has occurred, and establish proper feedback channels. In this paper, each behavior will be discussed as used in the scenario, and will give specific detail of how we as managers would have handled the delegation. Clarity of the assignment, is providing clear expectations of an assignment with details, deadlines, an audience, and the importance of the assignment being done on time. This is the first step in the delegation process of the project. If we ask someone to complete one of our assignments, we would want to be sure that the assignment is done the way we would have completed it. There’s a reason why we asked that particular person. If it was something anyone could do you can ask for volunteers. Informing others that delegation has occurred is essential behavior in the delegation process. Obviously Ricky has other employees that he manages. So it is important to inform those employees about the delegation as well. He chose Bill because of his three year experience in the contracts group. However, there isn’t any mention of addressing Ricky’s other employees. Since he assigned Bill to this project what about Bill’s daily duties? Is Ricky going to provide Bill with help in regards to his daily work, or will he be required to complete both the project and his work? That’s what we do not know, but they were having a meeting in the morning to discuss the assignment. These are issues Ricky has to figure out now, along with informing his staff, because if Ricky did not inform his other employees, they may perceive it as favoritism and think he is trying to hide it from everyone. Ricky should also inform Bill of the reasons he chose him at their meeting in the morning, and also let him know he will be communicating the project to the rest of the team so they are aware Bill will be working on the assignment for the given time frame. Normally in those situations you look to the person who may be capable of doing the job based on previous experience. It is important to share the wealth when it comes to delegating task to the staff. I would assume that Bill is one of the go-to guys that can and is able to complete task with assigned deadlines. However, the behavior skills that stick out to me the most are clarify the assignment, inform others that the delegation has occurred, and establish feedback channel. It is important that Ricky clarifies with Anne what the guidelines for the new manual are so that he can clearly communicate them Bill. Setting up one-on-one sessions or a team meeting will be useful to inform all team members of the decision. Lastly, Ricky should set up periodic reviews with Bill to check on his progress and also see if any assistance is needed. agree that some of the delegation skills where used in this scenario, but not all were used fully. I like the point made earlier in the discussion that Ricky probably manages more then one employee, In the scenario I think Anne did a poor job for a few reasons. 1) Ricky already was working on a major project, and as his boss she should have been aware of that before she asked him to do it. She may have been, but this is what we don’t know. 2) Anne asked Ricky to do the assignment. Obviously there was a reason why she asked him, so when he requested Bill to replace him why did she allow it? If I delegate an assignment to my employee I want the person to do what I asked. I feel that clarifying the assignment, specifying the employee’s range of discretion, allow the employee to participate were the delegation skills used the most in the scenario, while establishing feedback channels and inform others that delegation has occured wasn’t as much if any. I remember an old saying form a manager I had who would say, â€Å"inspect what you expect! † We are tasked to ensure what we empower our workforce to accomplish is completed the way we expect it to be done. However, if we do not adequately communicate our expectations to the employee, than how will we be able to hold them reliable for the job. Now, am I saying we should micro-manage? Never! And i’m sure no body wants to spend time micro-managing. What we do want to ensure though is task completion and work from a decentralized form of management so the employee doesn’t get frustrated in their job. Bottom line, we empower people everyday, the question is how much do we trust them? â€Å"Allow the employee to participate. † We have that found the employees participation is the best means to empower them not only in their job, but it gives them personal satisfaction. Now, this can be somewhat dangerous because you never want to give them an unchecked decision machine. As the section mention, you allow the employee to participate in that decision and then a set limit of authority is transferred to them for the project. We know, from experience that you must maintain that channel of communication with the employee so to keep them on the right direction. This will be training opportunities for managers with the employee in how to better make decisions without being biased. I know it can be challenging at times and personal matters may strive to cloud our decision process, but over time the employee will learn how to set aside personal reasoning.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store

25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers - Freewrite Store 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers It’s such a liberating thought that there is no one way to express your creativity as a writer. As fast as this feeling comes, it’s replaced by the daunting task of putting pen to paper. Everybody has a story to tell. A story that the whole world needs to hear. If you’re struggling to get those words out, or you just want some inspiration, this collection of thoughts, musings, and writing tips should help. "Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer. Some are written in the books, and some are confined to hearts." -Savi Sharma We collected 25 time-tested writing tips from bestselling authors from today and days past. 25 Writing Tips From Famous Writers 1. â€Å"Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.† -  Isabel Allende The works of Isabel Allende have sold over 70 million copies and been translated into 35 different languages. The Chilean writer is famous for novels such asThe House of the Spirits (1982) andCity of the Beasts (2002). She brilliantly weaved together elements of myth and realism, often relating to her personal experiences as a woman. Allende went on to say, â€Å"I need to tell a story. It’s an obsession. Each story is a seed inside of me that starts to grow and grow, like a tumor, and I have to deal with it sooner or later.† 2. â€Å"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.† - Neil Gaiman Source:Pens, Rules, Finishing Things And Why Stephin Merrit Is Not Grouchy Following the advice of Allende, Neil Gaiman suggests putting one foot in front of the other. When a young writer asked the author how to take the last steps towards finish his stories, Gaiman offered this advice, â€Å"How do you finish them? You finish them.† Gaiman’s work has been honored with many awards including the Newbury and Carnegie Medals. 3. â€Å"If you’re using dialogue, say it aloud as you write it. Only then will it have the sound of speech.† -John Steinbeck A Pulitzer Prize winner and Nobel laureate John Steinbeck has written a plethora of wisdom. Even if you’re not an avid reader, you’re probably familiar with Steinbeck’s most significant works. His novels,The Grapes of Wrath andOf Mice and Men defined the American Great Depression. Reading your text aloud to yourself helps to ensure that it flows like a conversation. 4. â€Å"If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.† -Elmore Leonard Steinbeck and Leonard share similar writing wisdom. Whether you choose to read it aloud or rewrite it, take their advice and find a way to make your writing sound less like†¦ writing. 5. â€Å"Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.† -Zadie Smith As writers, it’s crucial that we protect our personal space from the multitude of distractions we are faced with every day. Roommates, friends, family, work, and the neighbor's dog all can make it difficult to produce your best work. If you’re available to everybody and everything, you will feel drained and fatigued. When it comes to your work, you're not in the wrong for protecting your personal space. 6. â€Å"In the planning stage of a book, don’t plan the ending. It has to be earned by all that will go before it.† -Rose Tremain Many writers will disagree with this quote. If you start with the end in mind, and that works for you, then maybe this advice isn’t for you. Rose Tremain, the English novelist suggests you earn the ending based on what you've developed beforehand. 7. â€Å"Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever.† -Will Self Will Self has authored ten novels, five short stories, three novellas, and five collections of non-fiction writing. The English novelist isn’t the only writer to carry a notebook at all times. Never forget that fleeting idea that could be your next great novel. Without writing them down, those forgotten thoughts will only come back to distract you and hold your mind prisoner. Self is in good company. Richard Branson, the English business magnate, carries a notebook everywhere he goes. The billionaire considers himself a student of life. 8. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." –Leonardo Da Vinci You can find  hundreds of writers who elect to use more straightforward language to get their point across. Sometimes, we assume that a bigger vocabulary means better writing, but that’s simply not true. Here are a few more quotes to get the point across. â€Å"Writing isn’t about using words to impress. It’s about using simple words in an impressive way.† - Sierra Bailey â€Å"If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.† - Albert Einstein 9. "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway The goal of every writer is to find their flow state AND stay there.   The Freewrite is a manifestation of Hemingway’s idea. Ernest Hemingway suggests you sit down at your writing device and, figuratively, bleed. Let the thoughts flow, regardless of how difficult that may be. Leave the editing for later. 10. â€Å"You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.† -Jack London Jack London went on to say, â€Å"and if you don’t get it, you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it.† Jack London, an avid adventurer, found inspiration in all of his travels. He inspired generations of people to leave the comfort of home and explore the world. Don’t just sit back and wait for an idea to hit you. Go after it, and don’t forget your club! 11. â€Å"Forget the books you want to write. Think only of the book you are writing.† -Henry Miller How many unfinished novels do you have sitting on your hard-drive, aging like fine wines? We all do this. Dream up a brilliant idea, get a few thousand words into it, only to be whisked away by the next distraction. We all like to think that we’re capable multitaskers. However, multiple studies have shown that handling various tasks at once is not only damaging to the brain but also your career. Put your full creative energy into one project at a time. 12. â€Å"If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time - or the tools - to write. Simple as that.†Stephen King Stephen King has published a whopping 56 books as of today (5/7/18). The award-winning author still finds the time to read 70 books a year. He takes advantage of every idle moment in lobbies, waiting rooms, and checkout lines. What’s Stephen’s trick? Teach yourself to read in small sips as well as in long swallows. Source:Stephen King: The Craft Of Writing Horror Stories 13. â€Å"Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.† -Anton Checkhov I want you to close your eyes. Now imagine two scenes: 1. The moon is shining. 2. A glint of light from the moon shines on the broken glass. Now, which one is more descriptive? Which scene is more enticing? I’d choose the latter, and I’m sure you would too. This quote is a classic case of â€Å"show, don’t tell.† Showing makes your writing far more interesting to read. Help move the reader along by adding some imagination and color to your passages. 14. "Never use a long word where a short one will do." -  George Orwell Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English writer famous for the novels1984andAnimal Farm. In the absence of skill, using long words makes you look pretentious. They also are awkward to read and interrupt the reader's flow. 15. "A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." -Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is most noted for his poem, "The Raven." In books, you have time to let the story develop and breathe. You can risk adding details that you deem necessary. When writing short stories, you  must condense an entire story into a few pages. There isn’t any room for sentences that don't lead to the ending. 16. "Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed." -  Ray Bradbury   When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wanted to work in content creation and online marketing. I took it upon myself to watch every video and read every book  pertaining to writing and copy-writing. Eventually, I stumbled upon a video of Seth Godin offering advice to young college graduates. He left me with a lesson that I will NEVER forget. He said, â€Å"move fast and break things.† That inspired me to start my first blog. It quickly grew to 5,000 monthly page views. My first blog posts were horrendous, but I quickly learned what worked and what didn’t. Bradbury offers similar advice. Spend every free minute writing, even if you don’t plan to share it with the world. 17. â€Å"Every sentence must do one of two things reveal character or advance the action." -Kurt Vonnegut In his 50-year writing career, Vonnegut published 14 novels, three short story collections, five plays, and five works of non-fiction. Combine Vonnegut’s and Poe’s advice into a single statement, every sentence of a short story must do one of three things reveal character, advance the action, or build towards a single mood. 18. â€Å"The historian records, but the novelist creates.†E. M. Forster Great novelists have the unique ability to invent their reality. E.M Foster, an English novelist, examined class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th century British society.A Room With A View, one of his most famous works, was turned into an award-winning movie in 1985. 19. â€Å"Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.† -William Faulkner If I could offer you only one piece of advice for becoming a better writer, I would suggest this - read and write a lot. As you read and write more, you develop a better understanding of what is good and bad writing. William Faulkner, an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate had an insatiable drive to keep writing and was never completely satisfied with his work. 20. "You can fix anything but a blank page.† -Nora Roberts Putting pen to paper is a recurring theme in this article. We’ve heard Hemingway, Faulkner, Bradbury, and now Roberts offer similar advice. One of my favorite mentors, Jim Rohn, said, â€Å"Success leaves clues.† People who produce outstanding results do specific things to create those results. As writers, there are many ways to skin a cat, but the commonalities of successful writers remain. 21. â€Å"You have to get to a very quiet place inside yourself. And that doesn’t mean that you can’t have noise outside. I know some people who put jazz on, loudly, to write. I think each writer has her or his secret path to the muse.† -Maya Angelou I know I’m not the only one to struggle with finding a quiet place inside myself. I’ve tried everything from locking myself into a dark room, to hiding my cell phone, and listening to my favorite music. My secret path to the muse is listening to Binaural Beats. As I write this article, I’m listening to the soothing sound ofDelta Waves for Deep Healing Sleep. 22. â€Å"When you’re stuck, and sure you’ve written absolute garbage, force yourself to finish and THEN decide to fix or scrap it - or you will never know if you can.† -Jodi Picoult Jodi Picoult, an American writer, has sold over 14 million copies of her 24 novels. Until you push your own self perceived boundaries, you'll never know how far you can go. Source:Jodi Picoult: The million-selling novelist on carving out time for writing and the influence of Gone With the Wind 23. â€Å"You have to actually write. Daydreaming about the book you’re going to write someday isn’t writing. It’s daydreaming. Open your word processor and start writing.† -  Andy Weir Les Brown, a world famous motivational speaker, has in my mind one of the most inspirational quotes of all-time. â€Å"The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.†   - Les Brown If you want to be a writer, you have to write and write and write. It starts with one. One character, one word, then one page. They key is, you have to start. 24. â€Å"I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.†-Erica Jong Erica Jong is an American novelist and poet best known for her 1973 novel,  Fear of Flying.She shared her battle with finishing her work. For many writers, their works are their most personal possessions. Take solace in the fact that there is somebody out there who needs your writing. Why take a chance that they may never get to read it? 25. â€Å"Ignore all proffered  rules and create your own, suitable for what you want to say.† -Michael Moorcock Source:Michael Moorcock’s rules for writers A few years back, The Guardian asked some of the most esteemed contemporary authors for any golden rules and writing tips they bring to their practice. Michael Moorcock isn’t the first writer to operate under the idea of â€Å"writing what you want†.   First, make yourself the audience by telling a story you would want to read. This is a fitting quote to leave for the end. Perhaps Mr.Moorcock has written the final rule on succeeding as a writer. Did you find these writing tips useful? Now it’s your turn to take this inspiration and make it your own.    Carlton Clark loves to write about business, baseball, and popular culture. A writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. At the age of 14, he founded the media company  ballplayerplus.com. Currently, Carlton helps businesses share their stories through social media and blogging. When he’s not writing or creating content, Carlton coaches youth baseball at his local high school and plays guitar. You can find him online on Instagram @itscarltonclark, and on Twitter @carlton_mukasa

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The History Behind the Invention of the Digital Camera

The History Behind the Invention of the Digital Camera The history of the digital camera dates back to the early 1950s. Digital camera technology is directly related to and evolved from the same technology that recorded  television  images. Digital Photography and the VTR In 1951, the first  video tape recorder  (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses (digital) and saving the information onto magnetic tape. Bing Crosby laboratories (the research team funded by Crosby and headed by engineer  John Mullin) created the first early VTR and by 1956, VTR technology was perfected (the VR1000 invented by Charles P. Ginsburg and the Ampex Corporation) and in common use by the television industry. Both television/video cameras and digital cameras use a CCD (Charged Coupled Device) to sense light color and intensity. Digital Photography and Science During the 1960s, NASA converted from using analog to digital signals with their space probes to map the surface of the moon (sending digital images back to earth). Computer technology was also advancing at this time and NASA used computers to enhance the images that the space probes were sending. Digital imaging also had another government use at the time that being spy  satellites. Government use of digital technology helped advance the science of digital imaging, however, the private sector also made significant contributions. Texas Instruments patented a film-less electronic camera in 1972, the first to do so. In August 1981, Sony released the Sony Mavica electronic still camera, the camera which was the first commercial electronic camera. Images were recorded onto a mini disc and then put into a video reader that was connected to a television monitor or color printer. However, the early Mavica cannot be considered a true digital camera even though it started the digital camera revolution. It was a video camera that took video freeze-frames. Kodak Since the mid-1970s, Kodak has invented several solid-state image sensors that converted light to digital pictures for professional and home consumer use. In 1986, Kodak scientists invented the worlds first megapixel sensor, capable of recording 1.4 million pixels that could produce a 5x7-inch digital photo-quality print. In 1987, Kodak released seven products for recording, storing, manipulating, transmitting and printing electronic still video images. In 1990, Kodak developed the Photo CD system and proposed the first worldwide standard for defining color in the digital environment of computers and computer peripherals. In 1991, Kodak released the first professional digital camera system (DCS), aimed at photojournalists. It was a Nikon F-3 camera equipped by Kodak with a 1.3-megapixel sensor. Digital Cameras for Consumers The first digital cameras for the consumer-level market that worked with a home computer via a serial cable were the  Apple QuickTake 100 camera  (February 17 , 1994), the  Kodak DC40  camera (March 28, 1995), the Casio QV-11 (with LCD monitor, late 1995), and Sonys Cyber-Shot Digital Still Camera (1996). However, Kodak entered into an aggressive co-marketing campaign to promote the DC40 and to help introduce the idea of digital photography to the public. Kinkos and Microsoft both collaborated with Kodak to create digital image-making software workstations and kiosks which allowed customers to produce Photo CD Discs and ​photographs and add digital images to documents. IBM collaborated with Kodak in making an internet-based network image exchange. Hewlett-Packard was the first company to make color inkjet printers that complemented the new digital camera images. The marketing worked and today digital cameras are everywhere.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Financial Markets & Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Financial Markets & Risk - Essay Example According to this act, FSA is responsible for the authorisation and prudential supervision of banks and building societies. It is also responsible for the supervision of following agencies: It is also entrusted with the supervision of financial markets, securities listings and of clearing and settlement systems. At the same time, it may be responsible for conducting operations in response to problem cases influencing firms, markets and clearing and settlements systems under situation when the nature of the operations was agreed according to the provisions of the tripartite Memorandum. It is also responsible for regulatory policy in these areas, including that aimed with an objective to promote the resilience to operational disruption of authorised firms and Recognised bodies. It has also advisory responsibility and hence it should guide on the regulatory implications for authorised firms and recognised bodies of developments in domestic and international markets and of initiatives, both domestic and international level. Global financial problems may come at an unexpected intervals and hence they are equipped with necessary flexibility in their duties. For example, under exceptional circumstances FSA has responsibility to undertake official financial operations to limit the risk of problems in or influencing particular institutions spreading to other parts of the financial system. It should also ensure proper communication with standing Committees of the Bank of England and HM treasury to co-ordinate the response to a crisis. Like FSA, the Bank of England was also entrusted with huge responsibilities to bring financial stability in United Kingdom. The Bank of England is responsible for the predicting unforeseen challenges of the financial system as a whole. It also ensures the stability of the monetary system as part of its monetary policy functions. It should act in the markets to deal with fluctuations in